Healthcare is seeing a growth of MM connectivity in its medical devices. As these devices become smart and interconnected, there will be an decesion maker email list increase in the demand for data transfer between devices which are present outside the body (In Vito) and inside the body (In Vito). In medical devices domain, the need for a secure communication decesion maker email list channel cannot be over-stressed, and it is an decesion maker email list overriding priority. Hence, NFC becomes the natural choice for wireless communicating between two medical devices.
The FDA and other regulatory bodies are also quite vigilant regarding the security aspects of the devices that must be approved before hitting the market. Further, the data size generated by medical devices is usually within the capability of NFC to decesion maker email list transmit without any undue delay, so it can easily fit the profile for a wireless channel for medical devices. Even if there is a requirement for data transfer rates exceeding its capacity, the NFC protocol decesion maker email list can be used as an authentication procedure before other decesion maker email list wireless standards take over the function of actual data transmission at higher transfer speeds.
There are a lot of medical use cases, such as implanted devices which reside in the body for years, and have to be highly energy efficient and decesion maker email list conserve as much power as possible. NFC protocols are well suited for such applications, as the reader can activate the tag only when necessary and can also transfer power tirelessly. NFC brings mobility and decesion maker email list versatility to a range of medical and lifestyle devices and is perfectly suited for home-based disease monitoring and management. NFC is also more intuitive and easy to decesion maker email list understand for elderly patients, making it easier for adoption and usage than other wireless technologies.