Plasmolifting PRP Practice in Orthopedics
Advantages of the PRP-therapy method.
Effectiveness. Blood enriched with platelets helps to produce growth factors — and they increase the rate of regeneration (recovery) of tissues several times. The first effect can be felt after 1-2 procedures.
Speed. The whole procedure (together with centrifugation) takes an average of 25-30 minutes.
Naturalness. During the procedure, the patient's own blood is used — this means that there will be no allergies.
Learn more about the PRP Orthopedics Course
Safety. There are no other drugs in the pure plasma obtained after centrifugation — only an anticoagulant that prevents plasma clotting. Due to this, there will be no adverse reactions or complications.
Versatility. PRP therapy is used in many areas of medicine and cosmetology; it is also combined with other techniques.
Minimally invasive. PRP therapy is a non—surgical method of treatment.
There is no rehabilitation. After the procedure, the patient can immediately go home or on business; there will be no noticeable marks or swelling at the injection site.